Evaluate your level of risk to protect yourself.

Securitax.com © helps you in this process.

You are required by law to know your customers and the risks they generate for you.

DIAGTAX © allows you to assess these risks. It is a "scoring" tool for the tax risk created by each of your clients or files. This first step is essential to consider the appropriate measures in order to secure your customer relationships.

When one of them displays an alert to a specific tax risk that you consider too important, QUIETAX © allows you to pinpoint the exact origin.

This perfect risk assessment is the basis of your regulatory and economic obligations. You can certainly have an excellent knowledge of your customers. You have internal tools that will allow you to adopt the best practices for each of your customers.

Securitax. com © allows you to improve your perfect understanding of each client or file, thanks to its straightforward digitized tools.

And most of all, Securitax.com © secures you by externalizing this analysis and offers you to validate solutions adapted to each particular case.

Perfect knowledge and risk analysis.